My Cafe - Coffee Maker Game

by Crazyplex LLC



Jeder liebt es, Kaffee zu trinken, wann immer er zu Hause oder im Büro ist!

Everyone loves to drink coffee whenever they are in home or office! So now here we give you chance to become a Coffee Maker and make your own hot coffee cup as you like with various toppings and espresso. Design and decorate your own cup of coffee in this free Hot Coffee Maker game!nnLets start with grinding the coffee beans, turn ON the grinding machine but be careful while handling machine. Now collect the coffee bean powder in small bowl.nnIn next screen add coffee powder and water into the Coffee Machine. Now your coffee will be ready by just pressing the button. Yep, your coffee is ready in the cup! Just breathe and smell the yummy coffee!nnNow you cant wait to taste it but wait. Choose a decorative cup for your coffee. Finally youve the best job to do is, decorate your coffee with so many creamy toppings, stirrers and spoon. You can also choose side dish to enjoy with your coffee.nnTake a photo of your designed coffee cup and share it with your friends using Social Media or Mail!!!